Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rainy day

See? Everything to make me happy on a rainy evening!
It rained all day so I couldn't go out with the boys who definitely needed to work off their energy. So we spent the day in the kitchen, Tilman stirring and mixing and weighing, and Arthur making sure that everything eatable, he didn't starve today. One batch of cookies was slightly burned but Tilman declared he liked "toasted cookies". How sweet is that? 


The last days have been very busy. I worked as much as possible on the patchwork quilts for the boys' bedroom, but between kids, cooking and cleaning I didn't get as much done as I would have liked to. One quilt is completely finished and the other is ready for quilting and binding which may take another week at least since I do it by hand. I like to spend hours sewing, inventing stories and games for the boys. 
Next week I'll be alone for a couple of days, the boys will be off with their Daddy to the mountains skiing. It will be restful just to be alone with myself. Maybe I'll sew, maybe I'll read, maybe I'll just look out of the window doing nothing at all ...